Palace of Khudyr Khn, Fergana (Uzbekistan)
The Palace of Khudayar Khan known as the Pearl of Kokand was the palace of the last ruler of the Kokand Khanate Khudayar Khan.The palace of the Khan of Kokand with seven courtyards and 114 rooms was built in 1873 though its dazzling tiled exterior makes it look so perfect that youd be forgiven for thinking it was as new as the modern park that surrounds it. Just three years after its completion the tsars troops arrived blew up its fortifications and abolished the khans job.Roughly half of the palace used to be taken up by the harem quarters which the Russians demolished in 1919. Khudayars 43 concubines would wait to be chosen as wife for the night Islam allows only four wives so the khan kept a mullah at hand for a quick and short-lived marriage ceremony.Six courtyards remain and their 27 rooms collectively house the Kokand Regional Studies Museum.