Abdulaziz Khan Madrassah, Bukhara (Uzbekistan)
The Madrasah has a fascinating facade which is a little gem in Bukhara.Opposite Ulugbek Madrasah there is Abdullazizkhan Madrasah. Abdullazizkhan built it in 1651 1652 and it is the last large Madrasah in Bukhara. The building is typical by composition with four-ayvans yard but with unordinary divergent fan of hudj groups after side ayvans and cupola buildings on the central axis.It is very interesting the improvement of living lodgings which consisted of entrance hall and hudjra and were equipped with free-places attic storeys wall niches for bed clothes dishes decorated in conformity with the taste of inhabitants who rented these apartments during their study.
Khodja Nurobobod Str Buxoro Uzbekistan